What explains democratic participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations? Although the division of the burden of UN peacekeeping operations has attracted a considerable amount of scholarly attention, neither the impact of domestic variables, nor the interaction between the domestic and international determinants of peacekeeping contributions has been systematically analysed. This article aims to fill this...
In the contemporary political environment, the added value brought by leaders to the electoral performance of the parties appears to be significant and growing. However, the impact of leader evaluations on the vote choice is likely to vary from one voter to another. This article explores the influence of voter characteristics on the magnitude of...
This paper approaches the engagement of successive Romanian governments with service delivery by third sector organisations and uses policy discourse to assess governance practices associated with collaborative service delivery. The topic is approached by a theoretically-informed qualitative analysis of policy documents spanning a decade. Results point out that the most important subjective factors shaping collaborative...
There is a well-established relationship between corruption perception and trust. However, the direction of causality is still an intensively discussed topic. This paper investigates relationships among corruption experience, perception and their impact on institutional trust. The main contribution of the paper is that it addresses the mutual causality issue between corruption perception and trust by...
This article tests the thesis that the internal agential characteristics of the Green party segment in a relatively open and dynamic party system are a crucial factor in the long–term success or failure of Green parties in that system. The case study of Slovenia offers a natural laboratory to test this thesis, because its political...
The objective of this article was to make an empirical attempt at reflecting the popular concept of brand personality within the realm of voting behaviour. We assumed that voters can perceive political parties in terms of features which are characteristic for people. Parties could be identified as separate brands which, in the process of communicating...
The text analyses the stability and dynamics of the party system in the Czech Republic after 1989. After summarizing the theoretical discussion about the stability of the party politics, the author applies selected tools for measuring the party system stability within the Czech party system environment. Besides the stability of individual political parties, the author...