The European Union and its Member States are currently facing an unprecedented migration phenomenon, a refugee crisis in Ukraine triggered by the Russian Federation’s military invasion of Ukraine that began in February 2022. This ongoing military conflict has created the biggest humanitarian crisis in modern European history, resulting in many casualties and population movements outside...
Grassroots cadres are managers responsible for grassroots governance and serve as the final interpreters and executors of central government policies. They play a critical role in policy implementation, particularly in the “last mile” of the process. However, despite the government’s efforts to implement public policies, corruption among grassroots cadres in the field of people’s livelihoods...
This article studies the relationship between the degree of populist or pluralist rhetoric employed by governments, and how it affects the perception of anticorruption effectiveness from its citizens. By combining data from the 2021 Global Corruption Barometer survey and from the 2020 Global Party Survey, a consolidated dataset is created, including information on the degree...
This article examines efforts to regulate private military and security companies (PMSCs) in different UN fora since 2005, in order to understand the processes that led to a significant dilution of initial regulatory ambitions. The analysis of the proceedings of the three working groups relevant to this process suggests a decreasing level of ambition concerning...