Posts Tagged ‹elections

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

The Romanian Electoral Management Body: Between the Governmental Model and the Independent Model

This study examines the Romanian Electoral Management Body (EMB), focusing on its dualistic structure. It distinguishes between the formal independence and functional independence of electoral management institutions and proposes a qualitative evaluation of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) and the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC). The...
Tuesday, October 18th, 2022

Strong state, weak society: state capacity, economic development and clientelism in modern Russia

This paper provides a comparative analysis of how highly differentiated regions of Russia perform in terms of economic development, public services delivery and overall quality of governance while linking these factors to levels of political support for the current incumbent during the latest presidential electoral campaign in 2018. It introduces...
Sunday, July 1st, 2012

Clientelism: Electoral Forms and Functions in the Romanian Case Study

ABSTRACT The ambition of the study is to provide a description of the forms and functions of clientelism, thus looking at the differences between “rural” forms of clientelism that still rely on familiar brokerage, and their implications in terms of the power status of local bosses, and the “urban” forms of...
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Non-partisan Local Actors As The Element Of Absorbed Local Democracy?

The paper focuses on a lesser known political phenomenon seen in Slovenia since the country gained its independence in 1991. At every local election since 1994 so-called independent candidates and non-partisan lists 1 have been gaining ever more votes and increasing support . For various reasons, this phenomenon does not...

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Indexed in:

  • Social Sciences Citation Index
    (ISI Thomson Reuters)
  • IPSA

Advisory Board

  • Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (chair) Hertie School of Governance
  • Larry Diamond Stanford University
  • Tom Gallagher University of Bradford
  • Alena Ledeneva University College London
  • Michael McFaul Stanford University
  • Dennis Deletant Georgetown University
  • Helen Wallace London School of Economics and Political Science

Editorial Board

  • Claudiu Tufiș
  • Bogdan Iancu
  • George Jiglau
  • Ingi Iusmen
  • Gabriel Bădescu
  • Andrei Macsut
  • Laura Voinea

Published by:

Societatea Academica Romana