Posts Tagged ‹voting behaviour

Sunday, May 7th, 2023

Personal social networks and individual voting turnout in a comparative perspective

In this article, Oana Lup (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) uses survey data collected in a comparative, cross-country study (Comparative National Election Project) to analyze the relationships between people’s embeddedness in either strong or weak social networks and their likelihood to participate in elections in countries with different...
Friday, October 9th, 2015

Voters’ Personalities and Ideal Party Personality. Evidence from Poland

The objective of this article was to make an empirical attempt at reflecting the popular concept of brand personality within the realm of voting behaviour. We assumed that voters can perceive political parties in terms of features which are characteristic for people. Parties could be identified as separate brands which,...
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Big Five Personality Traits Model in Electoral Behaviour Studies

The present research focuses on the problem of personality determinants of individual voting behaviour. The applied methodological approach was the Five Factor model, based on the trait theory of personality. The study (sample size N = 726) used a questionnaire drawn up by Paul T. Costa and Robert R. McCrae...
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Big Five Personality Traits Model in Electoral Behaviour Studies

The present research focuses on the problem of personality determinants of individual voting behaviour. The applied methodological approach was the Five Factor model, based on the trait theory of personality. The study (sample size N = 726) used a questionnaire drawn up by Paul T. Costa and Robert R. McCrae...

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Indexed in:

  • Social Sciences Citation Index
    (ISI Thomson Reuters)
  • IPSA

Advisory Board

  • Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (chair) Hertie School of Governance
  • Larry Diamond Stanford University
  • Tom Gallagher University of Bradford
  • Alena Ledeneva University College London
  • Michael McFaul Stanford University
  • Dennis Deletant Georgetown University
  • Helen Wallace London School of Economics and Political Science

Editorial Board

  • Claudiu Tufiș
  • Bogdan Iancu
  • George Jiglau
  • Ingi Iusmen
  • Gabriel Bădescu
  • Andrei Macsut
  • Laura Voinea

Published by:

Societatea Academica Romana