Posts Tagged ‹Russia

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022

Strong state, weak society: state capacity, economic development and clientelism in modern Russia

This paper provides a comparative analysis of how highly differentiated regions of Russia perform in terms of economic development, public services delivery and overall quality of governance while linking these factors to levels of political support for the current incumbent during the latest presidential electoral campaign in 2018. It introduces...
Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Filling the void: Urban murals and national identity in Russia and Ukraine after 2010

Amidst a systemic transformation, existing structures of individual and collective identification often become discredited. After the chaotic experience of transition, a period of normalisation generally follows, accompanied by a concerted exercise of identity rebuilding. Processes of identity reconstruction tend to be heavily influenced by national elites and retransmitted via symbolic...
Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Russia’s neo-imperial dependence model: Experiences of former Soviet republics

The Russian aggression against Georgia in 2008, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, constant pressure on Belarus and political ambitions in Moldova have brought Russia’s geopolitical ambitions in the former Soviet republics to the spotlight and pushed them into facing a difficult dilemma between a growing partnership with the EU or...

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Indexed in:

  • Social Sciences Citation Index
    (ISI Thomson Reuters)
  • IPSA

Advisory Board

  • Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (chair) Hertie School of Governance
  • Larry Diamond Stanford University
  • Tom Gallagher University of Bradford
  • Alena Ledeneva University College London
  • Michael McFaul Stanford University
  • Dennis Deletant Georgetown University
  • Helen Wallace London School of Economics and Political Science

Editorial Board

  • Claudiu Tufiș
  • Bogdan Iancu
  • George Jiglau
  • Ingi Iusmen
  • Gabriel Bădescu
  • Andrei Macsut
  • Laura Voinea

Published by:

Societatea Academica Romana