This paper analyzes the ambitions, challenges and limits of the contemporaneous Turkish strategy in Libya. The North African country has faced a state of insecurity, close to anarchy, since the NATO intervention that led, first to the fall of the Gaddafi regime (1969-2011), and then...
Sunday, October 16th, 2016
Xi Jinping’s Political Economic Transformation and Its International Implications: A Preliminary Assessment
Xi Jinping, a “princeling” scion of China’s revolutionary aristocracy, rose from a blameless but unprepossessing background as a provincial official as blank as a Rorschach inkblot, prudently keeping his political agenda under wraps. Belying early expectations of political reform, Xi has instead since his ascension prioritized the monopolization of political...
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Normative power Japan: the European Union’s ideational successor or another “contradiction in terms”?
The concept of normative power has gained prominence, and consequently, invigorated research endeavours in recent years. With the exception of the “normative power Europe”, the concept still remains a relatively under-researched topic in international relations. This is particularly valid for case...
Sunday, July 1st, 2012
Restructuring the Foreign Policy of the EU: Competing Narratives and Discourses
The study of EU foreign policy has devoted over the last years great emphasis to the conceptualization of the role of the Union as an international actor. This paper critically analyzes two overarching narratives – realist and interpretive - about the role of the Union as an international actor employing...