anti-corruption Central and Eastern Europe clientelism corruption democracy democratization economic growth elections EU conditionality EU neighbourhood European integration Europeanization European Union Euroscepticism EU – Russia relations financial crisis foreign policy Good governance governance governance reforms Hungary implementation institutionalization institutions and development local government Montenegro Nationalism participation party system Poland political parties political protest post-communism Republic of Moldova Romania Russia security Serbia Slovenia small states social media Transnistria transparency Ukraine voting behaviourPosts Tagged ‹Bosnia and Herzegovina›
Thursday, February 12th, 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina between Negative and Positive Peace: View from the Local Level
The recent critical standpoint argues that the peace-building process in Bosnia and Herzegovina has not been successful since it has not achieved the state of broadly defined positive peace. According to this widespread opinion, the international peace-building policies have been formulated in terms of negative peace, and rather cemented the...
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Consociational Electoral Engineering Revisited: Findings from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Does nationalism continue to determine elections in consociational political arrangements even long after the conflict? To examine the presumed reduction of nationalism in divided societies through consociationalism, this article tests the impact of ethnicity on the relative success of non-nationalist political parties. Using an original dataset from the local elections...